It’s not because
You worked hard,
Or journeyed far,
Or checked off your list,
Or finished,
Or broke a sweat,
Or made the grade,
Or stayed up late.
You deserve rest.
No need for a
Signed excuse form
Or performance evaluation.
You deserve rest.
Even flowers close up
For the night or
Take a winter break.
I used to think
Sleep = Rest
It’s only one kind.
I used to think
The other selections
Meant “lazy”
Or “waste of time.”
Rest is many things
And waste of time is not one.
You deserve the
The falling rain
The smell of shampoo
The coffe steam
The wool socks
The needle and tread
The reading light
The burbling brook
The smile in their eyes
The window view
The deep, full breath
Of fresh air
Again & again & again